
It’s important to take time to relax and recharge at some point every year.

Professional athletes know that recovery is just as important as performance. NBA players practice load management during their long season. NFL starters rest during late preseason games and sit out end of season games if their playoff status has been decided.

Small business owners need to take time to relax so they can perform at their best. You won’t be able to achieve all your goals if your brain and body are worn out. And don’t forget to give your employees time away – everyone needs time to recharge.

Turn off your computer, phone, and any other device that has distracting alerts. If possible, change your environment – get out of town or find a change of scenery. Sleep without setting an alarm or waking up to emails. Spend time with family and friends or just sit on the couch and enjoy doing nothing.

By recharging your personal batteries, you will be able to tackle problems with increased energy and new perspective. Your personal and professional relationships will benefit from the change in focus and time away. And you will be able to better concentrate on goals and priorities after the break.

It’s not just professional athletes, everyone needs an off-season. Your body, mind, and business will thank you for the time off – and will benefit from it.

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