Do the words “innovative” and “creative” evoke images of chaos? Does “growth” excite but also overwhelm you?
If your company provides creative services or products, you can create stable processes to help improve your operations. There are many standard processes in a business that would benefit from structure and standardization without taking away from what and how you serve customers.
If your company is innovative and always ahead of competitors, standard processes would help keep you focused on the next big thing. Standardizing some aspects of your business provides a stable base from which to launch your next idea.
Growth does not need to be overwhelming. By building a strong foundation of standard business operations, you will be able to add customers, products, and/or services to increase revenue and market share.
Standardizing business operations by creating or improving processes doesn’t impact innovation or creativity - it frees up time and energy to focus those important aspects of the business. Standard business operations also help companies grow smarter and faster.
Feeling overwhelmed by your business needs? Beck Insights ( helps companies achieve their goals and increase value by implementing actionable plans to improve operations.