The Climb

Do you want to grow your business but feel like you’re already stretched too thin? Do you feel like your business could help more people if you just had more time? If so, it’s time to review your operations.

If you’re the one making all of the decisions and have your hands in every aspect of your business, you’re never going to be able to grow to your full potential. A lot of business owners end up with too much on their plate because that’s how the business grew to its current level of success, but that is not sustainable. How many plates have you dropped because you’re carrying too much?

If you’re a solopreneur, you need to figure out what you can and cannot outsource. I’d be surprised if you can’t find some things that a virtual assistant, outside bookkeeper, or social media manager can do for you. Do you really need to be the one posting on LinkedIn or Instagram and responding to all of the comments? You can still review your financial reports and social media posts, but you don’t need to spend the time doing the detailed work to get them done. And this saved time can be used to serve more clients.

If you have employees, are you doing more than you need to? As the business owner, you shouldn’t be the one updating data in your CRM or updating sales one-sheets for your team. If you clearly document your operations, you can trust that someone can do this work for you. That way, you can focus on how to better serve your most profitable customers and what margins you want to achieve with your products or services.

Sometimes it takes an outside voice to help you understand what can be shifted onto others. This outside voice can also help you evaluate if you need more or different staff. This provides an opportunity for your staff to take on more responsibility, which will give them a better sense of satisfaction with their work. No matter the size of your business, it takes an outside perspective to help you understand how to better streamline your operations. When you’re too far into the weeds it’s hard to see the entire landscape.

And don’t overlook the value of technology - software that can help to automate your operations will save you money and time. Even a basic Excel spreadsheet can be tweaked to automatically update information with the right formulas and formatting.

There’s nothing wrong with taking work off your plate and giving it to someone else. Not only does it provide you with time to serve more clients, but it will also relieve stress for you, your employees, and family. Are you ready to grow your business and not your chaos? Reach out to Beck Insights to learn more.