The Unwilling

Is there some unwillingness to change at your company? Do you feel resistance from employees, or your internal “gut”?

Change is difficult for most people during normal times, and incredibly difficult during abnormal times. Your gut tells you that how you have always done things has earned your current success and satisfied customers. Your employees are dealing with working remotely, changed operating procedures, and personal changes at home.

Don’t let fear and current struggle stop you from making important and needed changes. These changes can ease daily chaos, make employees more efficient, and provide increased customer satisfaction. In addition, change could help you gain customers during a difficult time.

Unwillingness to change is often masked as anger, stubbornness, and fear. Listen to all opinions and incorporate valid concerns into the change plan. Clearly explaining how the change benefits each party (business, employees, customers) will help you turn “the unwilling” into “the excited”.

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