If you’re frustrated, you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. The obstacle is where you’ll grow.
Think about the difficulties you’ve had with your business. Maybe it was in the beginning when you were just trying to attract customers and keep the lights on. Maybe it was when you felt like you had too many customers and could not keep your head above water. And maybe it was just last week.
How did you get through it? Did you throw your hands up and say, “I quit”? Or did you figure out a way to get through the obstacle and move forward?
Obstacles may feel like a stopping point, but they’re actually opportunities. Figuring out how to get past an obstacle could set you up for future success. For example, many businesses struggled when they were forced to change their operations during the pandemic. However, some businesses figured out a way to keep their customers engaged, attract new customers, and thrive during a difficult time. Many personal trainers pivoted their in-person classes to online and have been able to connect with people across the country and potentially around the world.
Your obstacle is nothing but an opportunity in disguise. And sometimes asking for outside help is just the leverage you need to move the obstacle faster and take you in a direction you couldn’t see prior to getting stuck.
Are you frustrated by the inefficiency in your business? Beck Insights (www.beckinsights.com) makes it easier to run your business.