Rolling in the Deep

What’s bogging down your operations? Is it too many changes? Vendor deliveries? Customer indecision?

While it's easy to blame others for mucking up the works at your company, sometimes the easiest way to fix things is to dig deeper and find the real culprit.

Your production might be delayed because of lack of communication between design and execution. Your deliveries could be problematic because of lack of clear direction about timeline and destination. And your customers could be indecisive because you haven't given them all the necessary information.

Now that the true root causes are identified, you can update your procedures to ensure these problems are fixed. Every project should have communication checkpoints to make sure everyone is on the same page. And if the builders know a better way to execute, review it and implement it into the process to capture this efficiency.

Vendors not sure on the details? Create a standard communication template (scheduled email or phone call) that clearly outlines your requirements.

Customers confused and indecisive? Standardizing your communication and reducing their decision points will help them choose you and move forward with the work. Make sure to include your value in these communications!

Finding the root cause of your frustration will go a long way towards fixing things the right way.

Creating or improving standard processes ensures you are delivering the same quality product and/or service to your customers every time. Contact me today to learn more