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Are your employees frustrated? Constantly complaining about issues arising or not knowing about something? Morale dropped below zero?

It’s time to review your processes. These emotions can be a sign that 1) processes aren’t being followed, 2) processes aren’t working, or 3) there is no process, and every day is a fire drill.

One of the most common consequences of not following designed processes is frustration. Employees who are trying to do their job but are unable to because of a lack of clear processes can quickly become frustrated. You will feel this frustration in several ways, from decreased productivity to increased absenteeism and turnover.

In addition to frustration, not following designed processes can also lead to increased stress among employees. Are you seeing more bickering? When processes are not clearly defined, employees may feel like they are constantly in a state of chaos, trying to keep up with the demands of their job without any clear direction or guidance. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm and burnout.

When designed processes are not followed, it can also lead to a lack of trust between employees and management. If your employees feel like they are not being supported or that their input is not valued, they may become disengaged and less invested in the success of the company. This lack of trust could stop them from bringing up issues or concerns they may have.

Finally, not following designed processes can lead to decreased morale among employees. When your employees feel like they are not able to do their job effectively, they may start to question their abilities and feel less motivated to put in the effort required to succeed. You may not notice until it’s too late that decreased morale has morphed into decreased productivity.

Have you reviewed your processes and adherence lately?

My goal is to help companies establish clear processes and support their employees in following them. By doing so, companies can avoid these negative consequences and create a more positive and productive work environment. Contact me today to learn more